some folks know they should start small, gain skills and then move up scale. But that would not be me. I seldom picture the final result of any of my creative outlets on a small scale. oh sure I will revise a plan if I find the going is getting too tough, but I try to use no more than one practice shot for whatever I am creating. Back to my earliest childhood philosophy of never practice just do and surely if you give everything in that attempt then it will be great. I admit that almost never worked.
Practice is important. so then I adopted the secret practice philosophy.
Its ok to practice or to try and then fail as long as no one sees you. Sure we all wish we had some secret talent waiting to burst forth full formed, but alas for me at least, practice will remain necessary.
But then when my first endeavor is something huge and it can not be tucked secretly away if it fails I more often than not smack myself in the forehead ask "what was I thinking". My first real quilting try... a king size quilt. Its not finished yet; its packed away in some box in storage. It still needs the two halves sewn together and then backed, filled and quilted. Which brings up the other problem with huge first projects. sticking with it. I don't tend to get bored as much as I tend to get distracted by the next neat idea to come along.
Now I am planning my first bazaar. you a know a couple of tables a few items here and there. yeah right. I don't think so. not in my world.
Now my goal is at least 70 tables and 6-8 workshops and a silent auction and food booth and...
The good news is its still 7 months away. The bad news is thats 7 months for me to get distracted by the next great idea. EEEEK!