I have spent more than a month and a half on a quest to recover my self. It started with an operation to remove my uterus because of massive fibroids. I was assured it was something I would not regret because my life would be so much better without all the side effects of the tumors. and being nearly fifty and beyond "safe" child bearing years even if the damned thing was working right this seemed like a wise idea. I had enough sick leave for the projected recovery period and a job where I could go back to work in a light duty capacity and do fine.
I am choosing to forget the hospital stay and dealing with the pain and coming out of anesthesia.
after the staples were removed 9 days later the insicion had not closed properly and an infection had set in.
Extreme buggies. an anerobic bacteria and a drug resistant bacteria were the main culprits.
Since then my whole being has been focused on healing and coping with the frustration of being off work, having little energy and taking drugs to kill buggies and deal with the pain.
Creativity needs a different venue to fill my life. I can only hope I find the space for creativity again soon.