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Saturday, April 15, 2017

energy and passion

I suppose when I think of passion I think of energy. The dedication of one's mind and body to pursue something takes more than time and determination.
Unfortunately somethings derail this energy flow.
Right now I am fighting a bug and my brain is focused on little things like grabbing tissues, or making it to the bathroom on time or when do I need to take the next pill. My body is dedicated to doing very little that takes more energy than the above mentioned activities.
I feel guilty as hell because I am missing work, I feel useless as hell because my brain is a pile of mush.
Still in the optimistic thought that I ever get a good idea I try to keep a notebook handy to jot down idea to pursue later. I am sure they will all seem like fevered ramblings of an insane woman.
Well that is something to look forward to reading.

Friday, April 7, 2017

don't hold me back

I have been stuck at home with a painful medical condition. the problem is this is quilt slushy week. The only time I have had since the end of January's retreat to sit down and sew.
I have a plan for a wall quilt. I have a technique I want to try. I have new fabric to play with. All of these factors may push me to go sew even if I am not 100% recovered.
I am not sure if the motivation to push beyond is a good thing or not. Is resting more important than creating?

On the other hand I will be teaching ethnic art to 5th graders once a week. we will explore things like tribal cloth and fabric patterns. ancient pictographs interpreted in personal art. We will explore African  fabrics, Mayan ruins, Alaska native symbolism styles, possibly some Mexican designs  and aboriginal Australian art.
And I am doing ceramics with 3rd graders. Which should be a challenge as I have never done much with ceramics. I plan to use a single bisque firing and then paints and inks for adding color rather than glazes.
So much coming up to keep me busy and excited. so I refuse to let this episode hold me back.

just a side note: all those plans never happened. end of the year picnics, bowling, bike rides, movies to priority.