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Saturday, April 11, 2009

supporting creativity

I recently took a writing workshop and one of the ground rules was to keep all critiques positive no matter what. But what if there was nothing positive to say? The rule was there to build trust and allow virtual strangers to be more open in their written expression. It is easier to be brave if you do not have to fear hearing negative comments.

This seems to translate to other creative groups too. Moderators, or workshop leaders keep everything so civil as to be almost pointless in terms of seeking feedback.
We are certainly vulnerable to flaming and pointless hostility if we allow anything negetive. Right?

But here is my point in writing this entry. There are people who assemble beaded jewelry and seek great praise for their cleverness. Well I am sorry. Go ahead, throw some beads on a head pin, bend it into a loop and add an earwire. Yes you made apiece of jewelry, no you were not creative or clever or even highly skilled.
Again string some beads in a pretty pattern add a clasp and yes you have made a necklace but again not so creative. following a pattern or a tutorial you bought with the beads of your color choice is only marginally creative. But for the most part this describes 90% of the beaded jewelry being sold today. How sad and how tough for a buyer to choose between all the options that are nearly the same.

How do we educate buyers and beaders to go beyond the most readily available formulaic products?

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