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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tools vs. Toys

When doing something you love the distinction between tools and toys becomes quite blurred. A rake and hoe can enhance the fun of the experience to someone who loves gardening. To others they are tools to get a job done. They might make the job easier, but there is still no passion and no joy in it.
To me the angle grinder my spouse got me for my birthday has all the potential of becoming a toy. I plan to experiment on how it works on different materials. and if it works well and I feel comfortable with it, it can indeed become a toy that lets me explore sculpting and texturing and polishing a variety of things. However if I never use it for fun, it stays firmly rooted in the world of tools.
Maybe every tool aspires to become a toy in the hands of someone who love the things they can do with that tool. I only wish every tool I picked up could become a toy. But alas, much as I wish it otherwise, the rake and hoe will remain tools.

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