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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

passion chooses you

I am not sure if I have a passion, but when I find hours of each day devoted to one thing. When I find I am calling on complete strangers and asking for favors, when I find myself trying to justify my time spent in the name of a "greater good". Maybe I have stumbled onto a passion after all. though I find the garden I have spearheaded is really a manifestation of a different passion than the one every one assumes I have.
I have no passion for gardens. While my parents and grandparents reveled in the soil and the growing of food and flowers I find myself only willing to give a minimal effort to my gardening efforts. My technique falls in the "throw seeds at the ground and then see what happens." catagory. literally. not for me the careful weeding fertilizing, nurturing that eats hours and brings better rewards. Gardening is certainly in my 'strive for meritocracy' motto.
So the real question is why do I put in the time and energy. hours of volunteer labor and even a bit of $$. Its a facade that is the manifestation of my real interest; environmental education.
I also find in this process the opportunity to use my skill as a coordinator and a chance to build stronger community connections.
Maybe I do have a passion it was just lurking behind me and has stolen over me when I was not looking.

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