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Sunday, November 21, 2010

creativity vs popularity

When I indulge in my creativity I so often hear a cheer leader in my head encouraging me to make the best... ever. I get these thoughts about making money or winning prizes and I know its very unlikely for several reasons. For one, I find these days I get bored with doing anything over and over again which makes developing a business based on my creativity a challenge. I also have the struggle between making something to satisfy me or something that will be popular and sell well.
Another reason is that the outcome of my efforts never quite matches my vision and as a result I am not entering anything into a contest to win prizes.
These days my creativity has been subverted to making stuff to sell to raise money for our school garden. As a result the popularity of what I am doing figures prominently in my actions.
I have a friend who writes novels. She is struggling with writing for market or writing to tell the stories she wants to tell as she wants to tell them.
Its a struggle common to many of us I guess.

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