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Saturday, April 9, 2011

leading from the middle of the pack

It was brought home to me once again that it is not those figures of leadership that bring innovation or creativity or even drive to any given enterprise. It is those in the trenches doing the day to day work who see how things can and should be changed to the improvement of all.
I have often thought that those who engineer or design an item should be willing to spend intimate time with it for several weeks. Those who lead troops should be on the battle field. And doctors should be the ones responsible for dealing with any aftermath. But it is the consumer and the soldier and the nurses who really know the shortcomings and improvements that need to happen, but the willingness of those with the power to direct widespread change seem too often deaf to the value of what their subordinates are telling them.
But I will try doing my part. I will continue putting forth ideas for improvement and change where it affect me.

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