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Saturday, December 13, 2014

OK, a few things have changed since I was blogging here regularly. I have some new ideas for this outlet, but I have also begun a more artistic focus to my life.

I have spent the last several years crafting some jewelry items and selling them at local bazaars and a shop or two. This is fun and garners me a few bucks to play with now and then.

However a few years ago I became a member of a local quilting guild. I did it frankly because some long time friends of mine wanted me to join them on the once a year weekend quilting retreat. The fun and camaraderie and creativity all rolled into an intense 2 and half day package has been fantastic for my artistic side. I never create a quilt by pattern. Instead I find a vision of some kind comes to me and it is my mission to bring this to life during that weekend. Honestly my sewing machine sits idle most of the rest of the year.

That creative juice has found another outlet in my life. Its a long story but it started with the fact that I had a couple of lynx skulls lying around. I was never sure what to do with them. I had already gifted a third one to my nephew.
But then one day I had a vision of how I should paint one of those skulls. All I had at the time was some foundling acrylic paints and cheap watercolor brushes. The vision involved several days worth of painting in layers and stages to make it happen, then there was pen work with fine line ink on top. But when I reached this stage I just knew it was not done yet. I put it away a couple of weeks and let it sit in back of my mind. During those weeks two thing came to me. One was the person this skull would go to.  She was a dear friend with a horrible cancer. But she so loved animals and skulls and the macabre. The other thing was the finishing touches this skull needed; including rhinestones.
This is not the first skull but one similar in style.

My friend was so very touched by the gift as was her husband. And even after my friend's passing the skull has a prominent place in his home.

After that I found that the process of painting skulls brought me a great feeling of joy and fulfillment.
And so I have pursued that interest. I have panted almost 2 dozen skulls now and I have found that the process of letting the skull speak to me as I paint gives me  unique and amazing outcomes that are very satisfying. As far as finding new homes for these art works I am only just getting started with learning to market them. I opened a store on ETSY; Alaskanbonesandbeads.
 I also have them at a local gift shop in North Pole and I took them around to several bazaars this season.
The bazaars were more about exposure than sales but its always cool when people can't help but stop and ooh and awe at something I made. Especially the men who are the tough customers at a craft bazaar.

Stay tuned folks now that I am finally on my path I have a bunch of ideas for this blog.

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