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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

three days at the recycle pad

If you have not heard about our wonderous recycle pads here in Fairbanks do a google search or I am sure they are mentioned in our local paper somewhere. The Daily News Miner.

 I have really been enjoying my opportunity for some peaceful quiet sewing time. I have been making some wall hanging quilts and I have inspired myself.
When people ask where I get my fabrics, my typical answer is that I salvage what I can collect or occasionally someone’s scrap stash finds its way into my world. Both sources have the recycle pad as the vector.
 So  after several years of sharing my goodies with others I have decided to challenge myself to one or more pieces made purely from the scraps and salvaged clothing I find on my local recycle pad in the course of 3 days. The batting could be a bigger challenge unless I find some felt or such.
 Day 1 collected so far:
Note this was done latish at night with poor lighting and I have not yet looked over my spoils closely.
 1 pair of small scrub pants with a bright green Dr. Suess green eggs and ham theme
1 pale blue button down oxford type shirt
1 med. Dk. Blue Chambre shirt
1 blueish bed sheet with blue circles as the pattern.

Once I have washed these and ascertained their real colors and condition I will figure out how usable they are.

I am looking forward to seeing what I find next.

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