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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Finding a niche

Right now I have an Etsy store, stuff on consignment in a funky gift shop, and works in a local gallery. The objective is two fold; to get my name out there as an Alaskan artist (no I am not native) and to make some money from what I do. To date only the stuff in the funky gift shops and the occasional bazaar ever sell.
It is a frustrating situation as I want to create. I must create, it is part of who I am, but what do I do with it all. My friends and family have all the jewelry from me they want or need and the apinted skulls are too much work to just give away. (though the first one I ever painted was a gift to a very special and dear friend)
Creating things right now is a large part of keeping me sane.
I am out of work and I can only spend so much time job hunting before I have exhausted the options for the day.  Spending some of my time making jewelry feeds the part of me that wants to feel valuable and needed. Of course this would work better if I had a few more sales to reaffirm that.

But recently another situation has come up. It seems after some blood tests that I may have some form of cancer. However nothing is confirmed and I am waiting for the oncologist to talk to me and give me more information. After that I do not know what to expect in the way of treatment. It may put a hold on the job hunting if I am in a debilitated state.  Crafting and painting and spending time with my art may give me something to do and if I can start generating sales help me feel more valuable to myself and my family.

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