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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Social Artistry

When you think about it I bet most of us picture an artist as a rather solitary figure alone in a room with their muse and maybe a model.
There are a few exceptions. When I think of "schools" of art, I think of places where there is learning and demonstration and a social aspect to creation. There are also street artists who paint, draw... in the public eye, interacting at some level with the world as is it.
But being in a room filled with the busy hustle of people creating and interacting and talking about what they are creating and why is not a typical "art" scene. 
I just spent a weekend with quilters. Many of them are more about pattern assembly, but others (myself included) choose different paths. Using fabric and thread to bring visions we have to life.

While I enjoy the contemplative solitude sometimes for my creative time, I love having the occasional rooms full of excited and creative people hard at work all around me. The energy pushes me to do more than I would alone.

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