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Thursday, July 28, 2016

The little bits and pieces

Sometimes the process of creating is tedious. Cutting a zillion little fabric squares, painting hundreds of miles of wooden dowels, piercing a gagillion holes, Threading a ton of beads and sequins.
All of it is mind numbing, boring, and absolutely needed for the next great piece of art.
So how do I push past that desire to run screaming form this part of the process?
Sometimes I take it in little steps. (today I will do 6 of what ever)
Sometimes I break things into 2 steps. so not just doing one thing over and over and over, but rather 2-3 steps at a time over and over but it changes the tool in my hand or the focus of my brain.
Sometimes I give myself a time limit. I will work for 15-30 minutes at a time on a task. Sometimes I make a challenge to see how much I can get done in my time allotment.
Sometimes I just do it and let my mind wander. Considering other tasks or other projects like designing cards or writing blogs can occupy the part of my brain that rebels against the bits and pieces of a bigger projects.

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