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Friday, March 3, 2017

my favorite TV shows

I think I have an odd interest in TV shows. while many of them are competitional they are almost all about creative passions.
Using Roku more than broadcast TV and being without access to cable I have some freedom to pick and choose what I want to watch in my few moments of time when the TV choice is mine.
Living in a 1 room cabin with a male person means I seldom control the remote. 
but programs I watch are things like sewing and crafting shows on PBS, Shark tank, master chef, and other cooking competitions, and project runway.
Everyone seems to have a real enthusiasm for what they are doing. and it is not always about the money, but the opportunity to show off their creative abilities.
Sometimes it is how they adapt to the limitations like certain ingredients or design constraints, other times it about selling themselves and their own visions and getting feedback that validates those passions.
In real life finding that validation is often much tougher. for our own part we often focus on the shortcomings and how we changed the design because we ran out of... or could not find... or had to make do with...
And if we end up in a competitive setting like a market selling right next to similar products our buyers and other vendors will compare us with a sharp eye and possibly a sharp tongue.
Still if we follow our passions and keep trying we will gather positive reviews from ourselves as well as others. 
I watch shows where the passions are deep and even with the harsh light of criticism, the creators march forward with heads held high.

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