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Friday, May 2, 2008

finding creativity

I have an idea.
Now what do I do?
It seems like everyday I wake up with another idea. Many of them are related to my art or crafts, but others are on a grander scale. Sometimes I manage to get the skeleton of the idea jotted down somewhere with the promise I will come back to it. But like many things they fade over time and I do not always remember or even have a clue about what my notes hint at.
I used to fill many notebooks with story plots and essays and observations. Then I started keeping my notes and writings on my computer. Now I think the next step is to start sharing some of them. Many of my ideas are beyond my ability to bring them to fruition or even explore them adequately. Other ones are just not something I will ever get around to doing. So here they will be available to any and all who want them.

Where do I find my creativity?
Everywhere and anywhere.
I think an important aspect of the process is to keep taking in information. Its also important that what you know doesn't come from a single perspective. If you only hear the news from one channel and only read one opinion page and never take a look beyond what floats in front of you with minimum bidding you will have trouble becoming creative.
"Google it" is the stock answer for almost any question now, but creativity demands more from us than that.
Being creative is the act of going outside the typical parameters and finding a new path.
So my ideas are available for anyone, but the journey to bring them to fulfillment lies with those who use their own creativity to make them happen.

Good luck to all who visit.
May your life's journey be fulfilling.

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