I heard a talk many years ago about reintroducing the wolves to Yellowstone. I was more impressed by the passion of the woman giving the talk than the subject itself. I knew someone who had spent a year in Costa Rica saving sea turtles. The way her eyes lit up and her whole body expressed her desire and joy in this project also impressed me. I have known people who live to climb mountains, ride horses, teach children, travel, etc.
I have seen many people who throw themselves full tilt into the outlet they have found. I have seen them and wondered, "where is my passion?" How much easier if I had a driving need to do a particular something. I would know where I wanted to be and what I wanted to be doing and I could give my whole being to the project, program, cause, issue, ...
But that soul grabbing, heart pounding passion has eluded me.
I have found many things I really like doing, but none has become my center of being.
Thats not to say it can't happen as long as I keep an open mind and try new things and give myself the opportunities I may yet find it or it may find me.
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