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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Those little stories

The other day I had the opportunity through normalish conversations to hear some very funny stories. Normal for me means I have conversations with just about anyone including fellow swimmers in the locker room, folks at the bus stop, or even people on an elevator.
They were not long stories but they were funny and spoke a lot about the lives these people had lead. And I thought about how wonderful it was that they shared these with me, but I am guessing not with many other folks.
I think that we all have stories like this in our lives if we are more than 20 years old. and through time have gained the perspective to see the humor in them. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to find a way to share these with a bigger audience? And really couldn't we all use the pick me up of an amusing anecdote in our day?
So now these ideas are just starting to bubble but I think there might be something to them. Anyone want to add to the idea or give suggestions?

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