How do you offer an honest opinion of something you do not really like?
Not everything we create will appeal to everyone. I know that so I never ask anyone for their opinion. I asked my husband once, but that did not work out well. His opinion was not useful or helpful or in anyway a reflection on how I felt about my work. So I just put it out there and wait to see what others say. Usually if there is a negative reaction is is about the medium rather than the art.
"Skulls, not my thing", they will say as they go shuddering by.
Every once in a while though my creative friends will ask what do I think about what they have done.
I try not to sound like that second grade teacher trying to figure out if she is looking at a dog or a pirate ship or maybe a depiction of last night's dinner. "I see you have put a lot of work into your drawing". "Wow that is sure interesting". "I like the colors you used."
If I love it, I love it; if I like it, I like it and I just flat out say that. Sometimes though I feel a little more conflicted about their work and more often than not it is just a matter of my preferences. So I will try to devine their inspiration. "It really reminds me of ..." "it feels like you capture the essence of..."
Or maybe distract to the medium used. "I have always wanted to try... how do you like it?"
Now if some asks for my opinion about words they use or give me a choice of which color looks best I can always offer my opinion, but I do not classify that as a critique.
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