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Saturday, August 27, 2016

ruching and ruffles

To me quilts should tell a story. Even if the story is not obvious to the casual observer.
Some of my fabric creations are made to sell. cat toys, sleep masks...
Some pieces are made as gifts. Baby quilts, pillows, some are made for myself wall hangings and such.
My present project from the needle arts realm is a challenge piece. I got a 1/4 yard of the challenge fabric and the only criteria were that you could not get more of that fabric, and that you must use at least some of it in your piece.
I added my own challenge to myself. I wanted to use some of the 15 yards of assorted fabrics I picked up at the dumpsters that very same evening.
And so I decided to make a pillow. I have been playing with techniques to add dimension and texture to strip quilts. I have made one pillow with 3 d twists and knots that will become a gift to a friend.
This pillow is using some different ideas. ruffles and ruching with some of the strips.
My hope is that these ideas will translate into a class I can offer at the retreat to get some discounts on the cost of the weekend at the hot springs.
Thats is the best thing about this kind of project there are stories and there are hopes and there are chances to play and learn.

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