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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Halloween the most creative time of the year

Its almost here again. The one holiday that rewards people directly for their creativity, or at least their willingness to step outside their normal everyday image they share with the world.
But there is a battle being waged against the creative side of the holiday. In my small town alone there are 10 or more places you can purchase a ready made, flimsy, trademarked costume. Ask any kid what they want to be and chances they will have one of these canned outfits in mind.
 Even the adult store has its fair share of costumes, I think they have theirs year round though.
I have never bought or worn any such thing, from any costume store.
This year i will be a dark fairy, similar to last years costume, why waste a good thing? I have made some modifications and additions to it. I have a couple extra pieces of netted fabric that came form the post holiday clearance sales and I used some wire, duct tape and garland to make a lovely black and purple crown for myself.
The tulle skirt was put together with several salvaged fabric pieces and the basics like shoes and slip, or underskirt, tights are already parts of my normal wardrobe. I buy some purple hair gel and wings this year, but they will last till next year.
Some of the best costumes come out of people's closets or their parent's closets. The hippy togs, the prom gear, or business suits can all be quite wonderful if they are not your normal attire. Sheets can be transformed into any number of things as well, depending if you ever need to use them on the bed again.
Togas are a nondestructive, ghosts need some scissor work, quasimodo; holes, belt, pillow and a brown dye job.

So Jump in and have a great time letting the creative juices flow.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I think I found it, or at least I know where to look

As I looked through the neatly organized plastic bin in my lap, I was reminded how much my mother-in-law loved to garden. There were dozens of baggies. Each containing several seed packets and each seed packet had a start date on it. They were grouped by the bed or pot or hanging basket they were going to grow in and bloom and look fabulous all summer. I did not need to know her to see her passion for growing things.
I also realized that may hold true for many of us. Our passion is there hiding in plain sight. Look past the clutter of the mundane and have-to-dos and you might spot the best organized, most shining arrow pointing the way.
The way my father kept his tools in designated spots (or at least he tried, he was dealing with several children untrained in the art of putting every screwdriver back in its place). My mother's sparkling kitchen with a place for everything and everything in its place. My father loved wood working and my mother loved both gardening and cooking. She filled notebooks with data about seeds she had tried, she kept several Roladex files filled with recipes she had made,
By similar token my mother-in-law also loved gardening and cooking. Her neat baggies were a tiny part of the system she had of grow lights for seed starts and carefully organized recipe cards and lists for every celebration meal she was planning. My Father-in-law keeps the neatest computer room I have every seen. And he spends many hours tinkering with family photos, making calendars and sending emails.
When I look through my life I see nothing quite as organized and neat their kitchens and I frankly apologize to my farming and gardening fore bearers, but I simply do not love the feeling of dirt under my nails or the bother of tending delicate young plants. I can and have grown many plants in my life, but not with the love they had.
If given the choice between a perfect kitchen, a well planned garden, a clean garage, or a craft room. I would choose the craft room. Even though my beads and fabric seem ill sorted right now; its as much a factor of space. But I know where everything is and I can pick up any of those raw materials and begin to mold and shape and string and bend and create my vision. Nope I can't narrow down my passion to the same degree as many. It is less defined than the labels of gardening, knitting, woodworking. Just creating and designing the next project are probably my passion.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Here comes a new season

It seems as though each season stimulates a different flurry of creativity. In the waxing days of winter the holidays loom large in my crafting mind. With the coming of spring my creativity turns to thoughts of gardens and making trellises and haunting the river banks in search of beautiful stones and enjoying the coming flowers and plants. Summer my creativity turns to thoughts of cooking and using the garden goodies that come my way.
So as we head to break-up I am thinking about how to utilize the things that come free as planters. So far one of my favorites has been the plastic utility sinks that lose a leg, While they do not stand, they do hold a good amount of soil and the drain is well placed to keep things from getting waterlogged.
Recycling in my world is more than taking the bits and pieces to the recyclers or sorting the plastic and cardboard. It is about using the things that other have no use for and re purposing them to my benefit.
I can hardly wait for the snow to get out of my way and to get my hands in the dirt.