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Monday, June 15, 2015

Elements of chaos and elements of entropy

I have found when creating things there is a point in which I give up control and let things happen. Marbling, splatter painting, anything really where the application of form or color is loose, and the results might be unexpected.
Then the artist eye has to decide if it works or doesn't and keep or reject or maybe deconstruct and reuse that which was being created.

There are also time like firing clay or maybe other times when entropy may gain the upper hand and your work is destroyed. Other external forces like flood, earthquake or fire can destroy all our efforts as well. Or the accidental destruction when something merely falls and destroys that which was below it.
These are things to be accepted as part of life and moving forward to new and great works is the solution.

Some art forms are ephemeral and are expected to be washed away in the tide or to fall apart with rust and decay. Working with entropy as part of the process.

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