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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Why do we create?

I think I create because I can not not create. I do not create for the pleasure of others, though I do get pleasure when others appreciate what I create. I do not create for money, but I do sell many of my creations. I am not an ephemeral artist, that my art and crafts have an endurance beyond a few moments or even years is important to me.
Today for the first time I entered my art in a gallery show. It is not a juried show, but it is an honest to goodness gallery. I find myself with mixed feelings about it. Like I have abandoned my children. Like I am feeling a little egotistic as why my work is worthy. Like I am proud of my work because the reception I got from those setting up the show was very positive.
Still the motivation is internal.
I want to create because creating is part of who I am and what I do.
That other people enjoy it as well is just a bonus.

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